The Eldest Daughter Syndrome Masterclass

Join us for the first online masterclass devoted specifically to eldest daughters who want big breakthroughs in their healing from hyper-responsibility. You may have raised your parents, you may have raised your siblings. All we know is that now you have it ALL together and you’re FED up. Come and let your hyper-responsibility relax into pleasure.

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About this event

Eldest Daughter Syndrome, while not an official psychiatric diagnosis, is an often-unconscious family role that many young girls inherit as the oldest child. They might find themselves doing more domestic labor, emotional caretaking, and face higher expectations than their younger siblings. One scientific study recently showed that being an eldest daughter can actually permanently affect your biology; eldest daughters of stressed mothers can go through a premature adrenal puberty to help mothers care for siblings.


You may have heard about the syndrome...but I want to invite the healing. Come and join a bunch of other eldest daughters to see how — though we have held so much individually — we can release it together.


In this masterclass:

- You will receive training on the difference between emotional and instrumental parentification

You will learn the 5 most common eldest daughter personality traits

- You will receive a guided deep meditation to get in touch with your desires

- You will have an opportunity to meet with a small group of other eldest daughters to discuss your experience

- You will receive a unique coaching opportunity geared towards eldest daughters in order to turn EDS into something that works for you.

Who am I?

Hi, I’m Allison Burtch. I’m a somatic life coach who helps eldest daughters live from their hearts, their softness, and their deepest desires. I’m doing this work because I’ve been called into service. As the eldest of four, I was the hyper-responsible, save everyone, get perfect grades, get a job at 15, suppress my sexuality/femininity and leave the house at 17. I experienced the deep, deep wounds of parentification and hyper-responsibility. Professionally, I’m coming to this work after decades of working in the corporate sector, the UN, startups, radical politics and as an artist. I excelled at being strong and smart and responsible and communicative, at seeing what needs to happen and making it happen, at saving others before I saved myself. But I wasn't happy. 



The first eldest daughter workshop I did was at Burning Man in 2023, and I was shocked to see almost 60 women show up. The eldest daughters saw each other and immediately started crying. They had no idea there were so many women who carried what they carry. It was such a profound experience for me that I knew that I needed to take this medicine to the world.

I know firsthand what it feels like to think like you’re responsible for everyone’s feelings around you. And that you have to succeed and perform and be perfect in order to survive. This worked for me….until it didn’t. I’ve gone through extensive life transformation in order to live from a heart space and truly love myself and my life. And I have a deep and profound love for women who walked the treacherous path of going from being the golden child to the black sheep.

I am bringing a wealth of experience in plant medicines, therapy, coaching, breathwork, kundalini, tantra, group therapy, and spirituality into this work. But the most honest quality I am bringing to you is my own deep and profound transformation.

 "I feel so seen"
Workshop participant
"I thought I was going to show up and be the only woman there. I honestly didn't know that there was a whole subsection of women who know the weight I carry, I just didn't ever process that. Which of course now, I'm like, duh, eldest daughters carry similar weights....but I really didn't know. I cried when I read the description and even am tearing up now because I've never felt so seen in my experience. And then being able to wail and cry and scream and not pretend like it's all okay was SUCH a release that I've ever been able to have. So, thank you."
- Amanda
"I was at your eldest daughter workshop and it was so powerful to see the healing in myself and everyone else in the workshop. Thank you for creating a space for us to laugh and scream and dance and cry."
- Grace

This is for you, if:

  • You have a hard time saying no and setting boundaries
  • You feel like it’s your job to help everyone around you
  • You feel burdened by responsibility but don’t know how to get out
  • You know that some people feel tons of joy, self-love, alignment, and heart-expression and would like to experience it


  • You attract romantic partners that you need to save/fix/help/heal
  • Your family expects you to take on the role as a caregiver, and you are ostracized when you express distress at the family system 
  • You struggle with negative thought patterns, and frequently berate yourself internally
  • You feel anger and rage deep down inside but don’t know how to express it

About the organizer

This session is led by Allison Burtch, who is a somatic life coach, a shamanic breathwork practitioner, and who leads transformational group workshops.