The Holy Daughter Descent

1:1 Coaching Program


The Holy Daughter Descent program takes you on a journey from becoming an eldest daughter to a holy daughter. From thinking you need to fix, change, help, and control everything INTO a life that feels good because you TRUST your body, you trust in life, and you honor your heart. 
Yes I'm in!

You are here on this earth to experience deep alignment, joy, and abundance. It is available to everyone.


I believe that your soul chose to embody being an eldest daughter and that there are so many gifts that come with this. 
I also know that there is SO much more happiness and love that is available for you to experience during your time on this earthly plane. 
In my view, the trauma that we believe is the hindrance to our fulfillment actually gets to be transformed and point the way to our deepest alignment.
The Holy Daughter Descent program takes you on a journey from becoming an eldest daughter to a holy daughter. From thinking you need to fix, change, help, and control everything to survive...and INTO a life that feels good because you TRUST that you are provided for. 
This is not an easy journey. 


I am here as a steward of your highest self and highest calling. As your journeywoman, helping you hold a lantern in the darkness. I am deeply committed to hold the vision of your highest self.

I believe that you’re here for a unique dharmic purpose, and I am offering hold you your messiness, your fullness, your tantrums, your too-much-ness and not-enoughness. explore your pleasure and desire and devotion and heartbreak and possibility. support the part of you that knows there’s so much more to life and knows there’s so much more to you. 


As eldest daughters, we are extremely skilled at being responsible, planning, having our shit together, and taking care of others. But that often comes at a cost.



Signs you're ready for a glow-up:

  • You have a hard time saying no and setting boundaries
  • You feel like it’s your job to help everyone around you
  • You feel burdened by responsibility but don’t know how to get out
  • You attract romantic partners that you need to save/fix/help/heal
  • You’ve done years of therapy and are well versed in your childhood trauma, but want someone to hold the vision of the juicy possibility of your thriving. In my experience, therapy helps with the past, whereas coaching helps you build your future.
  • Your family expects you to take on the role as a caregiver, and you are ostracized when you express distress at the family system 
  • You may have a successful career but wonder if there's a way you could be much more spiritually fulfilled
  • You struggle with negative thought patterns, and frequently berate yourself internally
  • You feel anger and rage deep down inside and don’t know how to express it but want to
  • You want to connect deeply to your own sensuality and sexuality and are curious what it would feel like to trust your pussy

New outcomes that are yours to claim:

  • You trust your heart and feel really good about your decisions

  • You create a life where you aren’t carrying the bulk of the emotional labor but you feel mutually loved and supported by those around you

  • You feel tons of joy, self-love, alignment, and heart-expression 

  • You are able to receive men and money

  • You magnetize the most beautiful partnership

  • You feel good in your body and your radiance lights up the room

  • You have incredible sex with partner(s) that you deeply care about

  • You feel aligned with your purpose

  • You magnetize new opportunities in friendships, finances, and fun 

  • You are in service to the divine

  • You know your higher self wants you to receive tailored support to follow the light within you and achieve your dreams. You know you are here on this earth for a deeper purpose

This container is NOT for you if:


  • You’re not ready to take responsibility for your EXPERIENCE of life
  • You have deep, unmetabolized trauma that you have not yet been in therapy for
  • You would rather judge the world and blame your circumstances than be fully sovereign in the life you’ve created
  • It’s your family’s, partner’s, friends, the system, job’s, bosses’, (insert excuse here) fault


What you receive from this container:


One of the most helpful things I've ever experienced in my life is to be in the presence of someone who believes deeply in my highest potential. That my deepest desires and dreams are possible and I can feel them feeling it. These mentors, guides, and coaches embodied the energy that I wanted to believe about myself. I’ve gone through that transformation and I hold that for you. 
  • My full, undivided attention, love and support
  • You will receive laser coaching so that you experience deep and profound clarity so that you make decisions in line with your highest self
  • You will receive somatic processes that create clarity for you so that you can embody and manifest your deepest desires
  • You will receive support to un-shame in any and all parts of you
  • I will hold your higher self as the guide to our sessions


The Details: 


You will receive a 6 month container, where we meet 18 times, 3 times a month.
Each session is ~75 minutes long. 
The last week of the month is a week of rest and time to integrate.
You will receive email/text/Voxer support as well.
I offer my full presence, laser coaching, energetic power, and support for you to align with your highest goals. 
I'd like to apply!

Eldest Daughter Workshops 

There is so much healing that is possible in community. As it's been said, it is in relationships where we are wounded but it is also in relationship where we heal. My goal is to offer weekend-long eldest daughter workshops in major cities in the country. Please get in touch if you have access to large local networks of women and let's make it happen. [email protected]


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