
"I started working with Allison during a turbulent period of my life when I was overwhelmed with responsibility to my parents, children, partner, and job. I doubted myself and struggled with self-love. Through our sessions together, she helped me recognize my inner strengths and offered techniques and tools to process difficult emotions like anger, fear, and grief. She also guided me in ways to be more honest with myself and accountable to the world around me. This shift in perspective, along with her wisdom and practices, brought me more inner peace and into the moment. I'm incredibly grateful to Allison for her compassionate support, openness, wisdom and skill in getting to the heart of my growth potential. She created a safe space for me to explore my inner life in ways I didn't know were possible."
- Addie

"I thought I was going to show up and be the only woman there. I honestly didn't know that there was a whole subsection of women who know the weight I carry, I just didn't ever process that. Which of course now, I'm like, duh, eldest daughters carry similar weights....but I really didn't know. I cried when I read the description and even am tearing up now because I've never felt so seen in my experience. And then being able to wail and cry and scream and not pretend like it's all okay was SUCH a release that I've ever been able to have. So, thank you."
- Amanda

"Allison and I met through a coaching program, and I knew immediately that she has a superpower unlike anyone I've ever met. She masterfully dances between the feminine and masculine energies, using her keen intuition to determine which to deploy at any given moment. She gracefully holds space and leads with her spirit, yet she'll be the first to boldly and directly state what needs to be said to galvanize meaningful action. Her coaching is raw, sensitive, nuanced, and pointed. I am constantly learning from her and inspired as I bear witness to her step into her destiny as a magnificent leader with an unlimited capacity to transform lives."
- Nathalie

"I was at your energetic orgasm workshop. I was inspired by how authentically you showed up and how you held space for all of us. It was one of the most meaningful experiences for me at Burning Man this year."
- Nancy

"Working with Allison has helped me discover my own unique gifts. We identified blind spots and addressed areas that require deep healing. I truly appreciate her supportive yet direct approach, as well as her integration of spiritual, somatic and analytical techniques."
- Dina

"I was at your eldest daughter workshop and it was so powerful to see the healing in myself and everyone else in the workshop. Thank you for creating a space for us to laugh and scream and dance and cry."
- Grace

"This was the most powerful healing work I have ever done."
- Sarah

"I was a bit fearful but felt very safe and empowered to work through the fear, thanks to Allison's guidance and presence."
- breathwork client

"The best part was the time and attention that I dedicated to myself. It felt so grounding. It was one of those experiences where you think the way you interact with your surroundings has been forever changed. It felt like I had access to standing in my own power no matter who or what I might encounter."
- breathwork client

"Your presence was beautiful. Thank you thank you thank you."
- breathwork client

"I feel so seen"